Hello Glen Elm Families!
The following message is sent on behalf of SHA:
On Thursday, January 20th, SHA will have nurses at Glen Elm School to administer COVID vaccines to students aged 5-11 between 1:00 – 3:15 pm (with parent/guardian supervision) and for our school families. As well, our Health nurse, Sharon, will also be here to do grade 8 immunizations that afternoon. Parents do NOT need to accompany grade 8’s as their immunization forms have all been submitted! Please click HERE to read the attached sheet for more information.
Note: Please consider calling the school if you plan on attending so that we can estimate how much vaccine will be required.
Parent or designate (designate must have a written parent signed consent, including parent phone number) may arrive anytime between 1:00 – 3:15 pm and we will call your child from class. Please bring your child’s health card with you!
Thank you!
Mrs. Miller