The LAST Glen Elm Weekly of the year!
Monday, June 24 Day 4
-The Cree word of the day is ni-pin. That is the Cree word for Summer! N-i-p-i-n. We are so happy that it is funnily ni-pin!
-Ms Surkan and Ms Knolls classes to Ipsco Park
Tuesday, June 25 Day 5
-The Cree word of the day is wi-ya-ti-ko-siw. That is the Cree word for joyful. w-i-y-a-t-i-k-o-s-i-w. We will all be wi-ya-ti-ko-siw in a few days!
-K’s, and Grade 1/2 classes to spray park. Have a great time!
-The Grade 5/6 class are headed bowling this afternoon. We hope it is all strikes for you!
Wednesday, June 26 Day 1
-The Cree word of the day is mi-yo-pay-i-win. That is the Cree way to wish someone good luck. m-i-y-o-p-a-y-i-w-i-n. We wish mi-yo-pay-i-win to all our students, but in particular to our Grade 8s as they head off to high school
-Welcome Graduating students from FW Johnson who are here for their grad walk today!
Thursday, June 27 Day 2
-The Cree word of the day is sip-weh-te-win. That is the Cree word for holiday! s-i-p-w-e-h-t-e-w-i-n. After today, we are all on sip-weh-te-win!
-It’s the last day of school! Hooray! Congratulations to all our staff and students for a wonderful year. You have earned 2 months off school! Don’t return until September!
-Grade 8s, enjoy your last day of elementary school!
-There will be an assembly at 9:15 this morning – as soon as we set up you will be called down.
-Report cards will be handed out at 2:30 today.
Friday, June 28
-There is no school for students today.
See you back at school on September 3!